New to server!


Dalayan Beginner
Hello all, i have previously been playing on a eqemu server. But the lack of grouping and natural feel of live was completely gone. I'm hoping this will be a great experience and something fresh and new, Btw what are you're opinions on bards here? i was looking forward to making one along with making new friends.

Bards are pretty awesome. Especially at the end game. According to an unofficial end-game rating found at here :

Bard - I sing songs and dance around. These songs give you outrageous buffs. Everything from mana regen, to mez, to spell mitigation, to overhaste, to absurd resistance buffs. I can do it all. Want something tracked? I can do that too. Need an off tank in a pinch? No problem. I make bringing an enchanter to a group an outrageous concept because I can simply do everything he can, my mez might not be as strong, but I am way more durable. I can do fucking everything, and I'm awesome at all of it. My resistance song was nerfed to hell and I'm still beyond amazing. Also I'm one of the best duo-farming classes in the game. I am so brokenly amazing that all content requires me.
If you play a bard, i'll group with ya ;)

Just starting up myself, running a level 18 ranger currently, shoot me a tell on Sevrith and i'll try and help ya out :)
That was what i made here 5-6 months ago and i dont regret my choice at all.
If you have any questions hit me up.
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