New to server, old school player - questions, thanks in advance!


Dalayan Beginner
Greetings all. I have just recently been turned on this recreation of a older favorite game.

I have experience playing live from release up to the ldon? expansion.
My all-time favorite time however was playing on the roleplay server as an Iksar SK, and i see that you have more of a rp-feel to this server compared to the other emu servers out there, which I'm totally down with.

My questions are these:
#1 what are the significant differences in this server gameplay wise compared to the live version?

I know we have all custom content and reworked zones, mobs, loot tables, etc. I am merely concerned with how the actually gameplay is.

#2 are there pickup groups/raids/guilds etc on this server ? or will i be left to create a character and run around solo like; say the Tz/Vz server I have been trying out.

My play style goes from sitting around rp'ing in a specific spot for hours doing all of nothing, to grouping/grinding for exp with friends and good conversations, all the way to high end raid content. I've had experience playing as a few classes in top guilds before.

#3 If I run the patcher for this server, should I copy EQ to another directory to play on SoD and also for the other emu login/servers ? I still want to be able to talk to some old guildees from years past on that server
some of the major differences here are:

you get xp A LOT faster than on *****
zone connects are different, so are the levels of the mobs in most zones
there are no epics, instead we have a Main Quest that all classes should do and get an aug in the end
Dont remember if tomes of power were introduced to ***** or not - these can add up to 25% to healing, damage and spells once completed (1000 aas worth)
sometimes we have events like The War, whereby armies of iksars conquer the world zone by zone and you have to get a raid together to pwn them back to oblivion
these are the main things besides that you mentioned that i can think of

yes, there are guilds, many guilds on different time zones and different prerequisites to joining them. browse around the Guild Listing forum to see a list

Welcome to SoD!
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