New to EQ + Shards


Dalayan Beginner
Evening everyone!

I've never played EQ before, a friend of mine from another forum turned me on to this server.

I'm going to give EQ a roll in the hay, let's see how it is :) I'm a dad, and work full time, so at best an hour a night is all you'll be getting out of me...........lest I want to lose my wife.

I'm also in the GMT-3 timezone (Brazil - 3 hours ahead of east coast USA) so don't be surprised that I'm playing when you finish dinner ;)
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Welcome. If you like playing with cool, nice people you're going to love it.

And my suggestion? Get your wife to play too. Worked for me and my husband (altho it took him a few years to make it happen) :)

Hey there sas!

If my wife even imagined that I'd be playing a brand new (for me) MMORPG, she might file the next morning.


She's a video game hater. I used to be a die hard gamer until she pulled my head out of the mire...........which for me has been a good thing. But I can't have "NEVER" played *********, and this is a great chance to do so with what seems to be a nice group of players.

Hope to meet you in game!
I am a father and dad too, so I understand. I do not mean to discourage you, but if you are going to play only an hour at any given session, this may not be the best game. By the time you buff and find a group or travel to a zone to solo, your hour will be about up.

I suggest you give it a try, but don't have too high expectations.

Mount & Blade is a game I play when I dont have the dedicated time or if I need to be able to be AFK to pay attention to my daughter.
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