New spell icons


Dalayan Adventurer
There was a recent patch for new spell icons, my client patched but for some spells like cunning and cleric archaic, the actual gem is blank (almost as if there is no spell there but there is) and the actual buff is a blueish box. Is there a way to fix that?
spell gems are in your UI files, so i'm going to bet your custom UI is missing them. check for spells05.tga - spells07.tga (where the new icons are coming from). if they are missing, you might want to grab those files from the default folder and move them into your custom UI folder.
SARS UI is crap and the reason why some show up white. SARS UI never updated to add all the spell icons from some expansions. If and when I get time I will fix said icons and just add it to the patcher, until then do what Rari said and you're good to go.
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