Issue: No matter where you run sodpatcher.exe it always loads the game folder path, processor to bind to, etc of whatever settings you typed into it last. Before, each installation of sodpatcher remembered it's own settings.
Setup: 2 separate SoD installations:
1) D:\SoD - main game path, runs 1900x1200 with 3DAnalyze for ATI target fix = no eqwin
2) D:\SoD-Box - box install, runs 1280x1024 and eqwin for convenience
Cause?: From the log and a quick test it appears sodpatcher is pulling the options from c:\users\username\Application Data\Shards of Dalaya\sodpatcher.cfg. I'm guessing this config file used to be somewhere in the game folder and therefor unique.
Current Workaround: Change all the various settings in patcher each to you run it.
Questions: Are there any other possible workarounds or reason to change my setup because of any other SoD changes in the past year? Are there any command line arguments that can be passed to the patcher via batch file to fix this for now?
Setup: 2 separate SoD installations:
1) D:\SoD - main game path, runs 1900x1200 with 3DAnalyze for ATI target fix = no eqwin
2) D:\SoD-Box - box install, runs 1280x1024 and eqwin for convenience
Cause?: From the log and a quick test it appears sodpatcher is pulling the options from c:\users\username\Application Data\Shards of Dalaya\sodpatcher.cfg. I'm guessing this config file used to be somewhere in the game folder and therefor unique.
Current Workaround: Change all the various settings in patcher each to you run it.
Questions: Are there any other possible workarounds or reason to change my setup because of any other SoD changes in the past year? Are there any command line arguments that can be passed to the patcher via batch file to fix this for now?
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