New sodpatcher problems when using 2 SoD folders


Dalayan Elder
Issue: No matter where you run sodpatcher.exe it always loads the game folder path, processor to bind to, etc of whatever settings you typed into it last. Before, each installation of sodpatcher remembered it's own settings.

Setup: 2 separate SoD installations:

1) D:\SoD - main game path, runs 1900x1200 with 3DAnalyze for ATI target fix = no eqwin
2) D:\SoD-Box - box install, runs 1280x1024 and eqwin for convenience

Cause?: From the log and a quick test it appears sodpatcher is pulling the options from c:\users\username\Application Data\Shards of Dalaya\sodpatcher.cfg. I'm guessing this config file used to be somewhere in the game folder and therefor unique.

Current Workaround: Change all the various settings in patcher each to you run it.

Questions: Are there any other possible workarounds or reason to change my setup because of any other SoD changes in the past year? Are there any command line arguments that can be passed to the patcher via batch file to fix this for now?
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I am also having this issue.

The main problem it brings up for me is individual character setups. I use one folder for my main account, and the other for all alts.
Same problem with a new twist!

I have the same problem with running two folders and screens for SoD and it doesn't remember its settings any more but MOST annoying for me, is that since that patch when the new patcher was introduced something has killed all the graphics on the login screens.
They no longer refresh properly (the text) either so when I log out of a character I actually have to go all of the way out of the game and log back in again.
It's doing this in both folders that I run EQ from, but not on my laptop so I don't know what went wrong with that patch but it seems to have broken it (and yes, first thing I did was "Repatch All")
All's good once the game is up and running, just really quite hard to navigate around the login screens is all, be nice for it to be fixed tho :)
I get the same issue, i prefer using two install folders and certain settings i want ON in one and OFF in another.

I can still do this, but i have to manually alter the path each time i load it up.
I suppose a workaround is to create a new windows account, and run your second sodpatcher as a different user, this would force it to use the cfg file in another users profile in windows and fix the issue.

I have to wait to get home to test and confirm.
But would prefer to just 'move it back' to the old way....
tested after i got home and this is a valid workaround for people if they want to do it
my second shards game install folder is located in this path, know where yours is located ahead of time.
c:\program files(x86)\games\shards2

1) make a second account (if one already doesn't exist) and set a password for it
its name will be ACCOUNT2 for the sake of demonstration. (fyi, its not case sensative)
2) start-run type in
runas /u:ACCOUNT2 "c:\program files(x86)\games\shards2\sodpatcher.exe"

it will prompt for you password and you can now run from a separate directory and it will store your settings separately again, the other sodpatcher can be run as normal and contain its own settings as well.

as long as you dont clear out your history often, it will stay in the run history.
you can alternatively create a BAT file and paste the command in it and run it from the desktop to have an icon to click.

Didn't like the idea of setting up extra users as I REALLY hate having pwds on my own comp so... finally got around to making up a coupla small batch files to do the switch for me and they work a treat (although it kinda woulda been nice for someone in the know to explain why we have to go to such measures when things previously worked just fine!)

Anyway, my setup is...

Batchfile 1 (sodmain.bat)

cd "C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\Shards of Dalaya"
del sodpatcher.cfg
copy sodmain.cfg sodpatcher.cfg
cd \games\everquest_01\sod

Batchfile 2 (sodside.bat)

cd "C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\Shards of Dalaya"
del sodpatcher.cfg
copy sodside.cfg sodpatcher.cfg
cd \games\everquest_02\sod

OK, now you will need to load up SoDpatcher.exe from each folder you have them installed in, then exit and copy the C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\Shards of Dalaya\sodpatcher.cfg to two different files, each time renaming them firstly sodmain.cfg then repeat and do sodside.cfg {or whatever you want to call them, just adjust them in the batch file to suit} To copy you can just right click and drag the file in the same folder, then rename it.

If you have SoD installed at some other location then I can only guess you know enough to make a simple batch file like this point to it or whatever other small adjustments need to be made.

Change your shortcut to run the game to point to the new .bat files instead of "sodpatcher.exe" and you're all set to play with a simple double click again!

A nice simple solution which works for me, I hope it works for you :)
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This is an older thread of mine, but since I'm playing again I just got back around to revisiting this issue. Melwyrm's fix was good. I added commands to replace the eqwin ini files as well. Now I run both clients with eqwin and it's working great so far. You can tweak the ini files to automatically set the window locations, processor affinity, whatever. It just takes a few mins to setup the extra batch and ini files.

I use 2 SoD installs because my healer uses macro bar for spells while the other install uses the macro bar for other things and spells are cast directly.

SoD Main.bat
cd "C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\Shards of Dalaya"
del sodpatcher.cfg
copy sodmain.cfg sodpatcher.cfg
cd "C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\Shards of Dalaya\eqw"
del eqw.ini
copy eqwmain.ini eqw.ini

SoD Box.bat
cd "C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\Shards of Dalaya"
del sodpatcher.cfg
copy sodbox.cfg sodpatcher.cfg
cd "C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\Shards of Dalaya\eqw"
del eqw.ini
copy eqwbox.ini eqw.ini

If anyone needs help with this, /tell Wywy in game.
(although it kinda woulda been nice for someone in the know to explain why we have to go to such measures when things previously worked just fine!)

Exactly,and yeah I know this thread is old.

Biggest grief I have with that is my chars sharing parts of their ini files randomly,like setting up a keybinding to raise sense heading with one char
all other chars also get this kebinding too,nice if you have blessed call on that key on your Cleric for example.
Also tgb on/off isnt working correctly anymore since then,randomly changing from on to off which makes for some nice surprises on raids or when
trying to stick SB buffs on another group.
Please change it back to how it was,allowing different installs for different chars.
The default behavior for this is going to remain the same as it is now because the %APPDATA% folder is the proper location for per-user configuration data.

For advanced users I just added the following command line option if you want to use a different profile directory:

sodpatcher.exe /profile C:\path\to\profile

You can create a shortcut and launch it with the argument to point it to a different configuration directory.
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