New Quest (Old Man's Wish) Broken


Dalayan Beginner
Last night, I got the "Old Man's Wish" quest on Alton:
[Mon Apr 07 00:51:05 2008] You say, 'What exactly am I looking for?'
[Mon Apr 07 00:51:05 2008] Tracker Orlin eyes glow with hope as he speaks each name, 'Rusida weilded a mace made of crystal. Hurgan bore a broadsword made of onix. Kude used a wand made from tormented metal. Drugle used a dagger made of valorium.' Orlin meets your gaze, 'Bring them back to me, Alton, and I will make sure they go to the kin of my dear fallen friends.'
[Mon Apr 07 00:51:05 2008] Your journal has been updated. [Old Man's Wish]

Today, I tried farmed RSM a bit, and got what I'm assuming are the four drops. When I tried turning in the items, he auto-returned them.
You say, 'Hail, Tracker Orlin'
Tracker Orlin says, 'You return, Alton. Have you brought me back my comrades weapons?'
Tracker Orlin returned Rusted Clerics Mace to you.
Tracker Orlin returned Dull Rogues Dagger to you.
Tracker Orlin returned Snapped Wizards Wand to you.
Tracker Orlin returned Broken Warriors Sword to you.

I'm not sure if it matters, but looking at my journal, the quest "Old Man's Wish" isn't there.
That said, when hailed (as above) he asks for the weapons.
I have a feeling it's something to do with the journal. A lot of quest bugginess has arisen from it lately in my personal experience. My fix for it is to go through the dialogue again to be reflagged (it looks like it wipes usually when you zone) then hand in the items, but it seems as though you are flagged partially and he doesn't give the reflagging dialogue :(
Just wondering, how many active quests and total quests do you have? I was thinking it's possible this is related to new quests not sticking
12 or 13 if i remember correctly - that said, quests given after (say, the elds gathering) have stuck.
Alton said:
12 or 13 if i remember correctly - that said, quests given after (say, the elds gathering) have stuck.
oic, I had a problem with a bunch of vah quests not sticking and I have 10 active quests and i think around 24 total quests
Journal entries are in no way connected to quest flags besides the fact that they may be given and missed at the same time.

This was a bug with the quest trying to detect the wrong class and not rogue. It has been fixed.
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