New player, new adventure


Dalayan Beginner
Hi all ^_^

Im an old EQ player, I've tried the live, and some emulators, but none like me, so I come to try SoD.

Ive been playing on the server 4 days and to see that can play with two chars at once what I did, took the time to level 8 but I hope many of you reach you since I left wanting.

I hope my server SoD is final and stay here with you.

Also wanted to thank a player named Memexeng the help he has given me to start the game.

If anyone wants to get me in the game and my characters are Bahamma & Grilletes.
-Don't pick a deity until you understand what choices you are making.
-Check out the main quest. You can get a ton of xp from doing the first parts of the main quest, and it is pretty interesting.
-Also, don't forget to read up on the style system. /s or /style
Don't ask for deity choice ideas from ooc. Ask players what the advantages of the various spec archetypes are and then select a deity with an aug that suits. Some deities have no augs yet, some archetypes are harder then others, some consider neutral a balance mini game, some consider neutral a balance nightmare, etc etc...

Too many players rush it and end up expressing feelings similar to those playing a class they don't care for.
Thanks, and any advice now im starting?

Druid/any tank class(SK,Pally,War) makes a nice mid game box,tank classes have problems at the high(er) end ,too much good tanks around and everyone wants the best tank possible in a
group/raid,so as a newbie tank you will have a hard time.
Consider Druid/Ranger/Monk/Bard(?),Bst(?) boxes.
Druid:you have no real choice here as you NEED ports for all the questing.

Dont bother before 55,Marlowe and Althuna have easiest quests.

Main quest faction:
CoI is easiest

Rush to 55,most players wont be aware of you at lower levels.
Dont rush to 65,you might regret it,get the basic AAs at 55 (but no more than 49 or you get a
xp penalty),already can make good cash at 55 (Crystal Caverns,Sorcerer's Lab,Lasanth) .

Farm Cesspits HARD as long as you can.
Spend as little money as possible before 55 on gear,at 55 you can buy/wear gear which is as good as stuff from the lower end raids,still only buy stuff you feel you really need like a haste
item for a melee(ifyou arent lucky to get a haste item from an "adept" mob).
Save your money for charms.
Check the Athica NPC Vendors (Inn,shop opposite to bank at daytime) for droppable gear
(and spells)higer level players have sold there.

With all the boxing mentioned here,dont forget its a MULTI player game :) ,friends are most
important,can get by without a guild if you arent aiming to reach t14 in 4 weeks. :)
Despite what some may say,groups are surprisingly easy to find,dont sit in Athica ooc'ing lfg,
move to the zones where other people are,easy as you box a Druid. :)
Advice, from me to you: Love the wiki.
The interactive zone map and the leveling guide from the front page of the wiki are two great resources to start with. (Thade and I wrote the leveling guide, so yes that is my own horn - toot toot.)

Since you said you've been around the emus as well as played Live, you may find the differences between SoD and Live an enlightening page to glance at as well.

Be cool, talk to people, and make friends. Friends are the most valuable thing you can have on this server.

Edit: Oh, and make the most out of Dalaya's Beginners, the guild you start in - lots of helpful people there.
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