New player, never played everquest


Dalayan Beginner
Hey I'll be playing this game in the next few hours or so and have never played before. so would like to ask a questions. Like where is a starting place with the most players? I don't want to start out and there will be no one. I've played private servers on other games where I never saw a soul and I always end up quitting games like that. Just want to be near some other players to make some friendships and party up sometimes.
Ask around in guild chat (you start in the <Dalaya's Beginners> guild).

Popular hangout spots among new characters vary. Some months it seems that Blackburrow is crowded, and some months the Halls of Mielech are highly popular.

My advice: stay in the beginner guild while you acclimate to the server and use /ignore on the idiots and mean people. People of that quality tend not to stay on the server long, so it's easier just to ignore them and appreciate the overall pleasant SoD community!
Finally got everything worked out and installed so now getting ready to play so look me up sometime Elioskenni is my toons name.
I see that last post was removed about the project 1999 server and how much SoD is a pathetic attempt to create there own game and call it original. Hmm, wonder why? Maybe because it is true? I wonder if these GM's are real life politicians.
I see that last post was removed about the project 1999 server and how much SoD is a pathetic attempt to create there own game and call it original. Hmm, wonder why? Maybe because it is true? I wonder if these GM's are real life politicians.

WHY SO SRS BROSKI??? (probably namenerfed ingame)
I see that last post was removed about the project 1999 server and how much SoD is a pathetic attempt to create there own game and call it original. Hmm, wonder why? Maybe because it is true? I wonder if these GM's are real life politicians.

I mean look man if you hate the server so much what is your character name because you shouldn't care about getting banned right?
I mean look man if you hate the server so much what is your character name because you shouldn't care about getting banned right?

Please note once again this guy in fact enjoys this server and spending his time on it so much he is posting anonymously so he can continue to play on the server, he is actively putting effort into the safeguarding of his wonderful characters which he has leveled up for fun on this great server. If that is not a testament to how good this server is then I don't know what is.
It's even worse than that, Gerick... he's actually posting from an IP address that he has never logged onto SoD from! That's some dedication!

Jokes aside, he probably doesn't play SoD and would be unhappy here if he did. He'd get his character Orgasmlover name nerfed and then he'd alienate the whole server within a month and wonder why he could never get groups. Reputation is important on SoD, and it's easy to create or destroy your reputation.
i just checked fomelo and "orgasmlover" is not taken so good luck to him and have fun on SoD
I see that last post was removed about the project 1999 server and how much SoD is a pathetic attempt to create there own game and call it original. Hmm, wonder why? Maybe because it is true? I wonder if these GM's are real life politicians.

Well if this isn't the first real negative thing I have found outside of "that nasty place no one should go". I don't post much, or read forums either, but these negative re-routs of new player threads are meaningless. "Glad to see whatever post they were referring to was just removed.

SoD puts together a better server that is more newb friendly IMO and yet doesn't alienate veterans with that same newbness. No wonder others would get jealous and try to "forum bad seed" sabotage. Easy to tell when the negative post person takes you on a ride within their own paragraph showing you with profound clarity the politician in them.
i am a real life politician i am president of several countries.... my secret is no longer safe!!!
at this point I would vote for sslar as well as nobody could do a worse job then Bush or Obama
It's even worse than that, Gerick... he's actually posting from an IP address that he has never logged onto SoD from! That's some dedication!

Jokes aside, he probably doesn't play SoD and would be unhappy here if he did. He'd get his character Orgasmlover name nerfed and then he'd alienate the whole server within a month and wonder why he could never get groups. Reputation is important on SoD, and it's easy to create or destroy your reputation.

What is really sad is that i played from this IP address for atleast a month or so on a consistent basis. So i kinda find it funny that i logged on and somehow you guys didnt know about it. technical flaw? lol wow
What is really sad is that i played from this IP address for atleast a month or so on a consistent basis. So i kinda find it funny that i logged on and somehow you guys didnt know about it. technical flaw? lol wow

Apparently you didn't know that ip addresses you know, change.
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