New Player just saying hello.


Dalayan Beginner
Not sure my race or class because ive never played EQ1 before. Ive played EQII though. Just wanted to say hello to the community. When i figure out my name and stuff ill repost. Oh ya I'm a RPer so if there are others out there id be glad to join you for some questing.
Welcome to SoD Phindian. From what I hear, although I never played EQ2 is they are completely different games. Even aside from that, SoD is a way different game then Live anyway! Jump on in there and have fun =) There are lots that like to roleplay here it shouldn't be hard to find them. There's a section on the forums as well you can say hi there!
Don't worry too much about it... the classes here aren't really all the same as live anyways.
I am happy to say that SoD cares a lot more for the poor pally than live ever did :haw:
Just pick whatever you think you'd like... or try out a few different things. Enjoy!
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