New player introduction!


Dalayan Beginner
Hey all new player here, played EQ for years from 99-04 and after SoE once again pushed back DC Universe Online gotta find something to play and was happy to come across an active and populated EQ classic server. I still have the discs for my everquest titanium, is that gonna be enough to play or will I need to get anything else to not miss out on content?

Gonna be looking to make either a Beastlord or Monk does anyone have any suggestions. Leaning more towards a Vasheer Beastlord like I played on live wondering how there continent and custom quests are or if there is a better race/place to start for someone who hasent played in a long while.

Looking forward to playing after another 5 hours of work. Look for Vkone online soon really hoping to just dive in! Any new player suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
man its the same yet different. The disks you got will work fine. Read up on the shards of dalaya main page's wiki link and check the differences between live and sod. Im more than sure you will have a blast.
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