New player inc..


Dalayan Beginner
Hello not sure how active this forum is or anything but just wanted to say that you have a new player inc. Need a break from my other game the community is making me hate the game so i decided to go for some nostalgia.

Anyways just started the game tonight created an ogre shadowknight named Inkuo. I really will have no clue what im doing played eq1 from about when kunark came out till just a lil after luclin. Then went to eq2. Anyways if this is still active hello and hope to meet some nice people in game.
Hiya, welcome to Sod! You will find that this is different in a number of ways than eq1, but it may still feed your need for nostalgia with old school feel. I'm sure you will enjoy SoD if you stick with it. Good hunting :D
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