I am debating on what to box with my shaman and after looking at the tier list and wiki i can't decide between a ranger (i love the idea of having tracking and an easy to box character but the lack of mitigation for tanking sucks), a paladin (the idea of having the shaman for single target heals and canni while the paladin does group heals and tank seems like a sweet deal but the lack of dps makes this combo a little hard to pull off) and finally the shadowknight (good single target aggro, good mitigation and good damage but i did sk on live and not sure i want to do that again).
Basically im looking for a 2box combo that includes shaman that's self sufficient (farming items, doing quests and grinding exp). Right now im leaning towards the ranger but im looking for others opinions on the matter.
Basically im looking for a 2box combo that includes shaman that's self sufficient (farming items, doing quests and grinding exp). Right now im leaning towards the ranger but im looking for others opinions on the matter.