New Pally (Human or HE?)


Dalayan Beginner
I'm planning on picking up SoD again after a year.. problem is I can't remember my old password, so I made a new account. Not really a big problem, since I enjoy starting over.
Now I haven't played a pally since live, so is there anything I should know or expect beforehand?
Also, the title is a question. Is the 2.5% resistance to mes and the infravision really worth taking the STR and STA hit?
I'll assume no, for the time being.
Anyway, can't wait to get on.. too bad I picked the night the server crashes to pick this game up again.
are the servers pretty stable most of the time?
I went with Froglok myself :)

That said... I can't really comment on the mez resistance. I have heard the +10% xp of humans is nice for leveling up quickly, but if you play on going hardcore (raiding alot.. and all the high end stuff) I heard the 10% xp bonus basicly means jack, and the Mez resistance is more valuable.

... is HE high elf.. or Half Elf??

If high elf the Charm immunity is a big deal.
my 2cp: Go High elf. full charm resistance ftw. If i could have rerolled my paladin, i would have gone high elf. Otherwise, dwarf pallys are also good.
Thannk guys.. and I actually meant half elf..
never been a fan of the snooty high elves. Though I am starting to reconsider..
Though is the immunity to charm and the 20% resist to mes really worth the loss of STR and STA?
Human = 85 STR, 80 STA
High Elf = 65 STR, 70 STA
i keep hearing high elf all around.. but i'm still not sure.
In the end, with aa's and gear you will max out stats ezpz. I'd say it's worth the 20% class specific resist to mez. :shrug:

Just my 2cp.
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