New N scared :/


Dalayan Beginner
Just herd about this server from searching, wanted to pick up Live again but couldnt afford it so i decided this is my best option. I tried a few other emu's but the low population, custom content, bugs drove me to leave. So I'am excited, nervous, and ready to pwn some gnolls and make some new friends.

-Ywien the noob wizard
EXpect custom content, some minor bugs, LOTS of differences from live and one of the most active and exciting emulated games out there... It's a great place to play!
Yeah, if you're looking for the "classic EQ" experience, this isnt quite it. However, if you want the "classic EQ" experience with lots of annoying things fixed and new stuff to do, you'll love this place.
Im liking it so far. Just seems like the resists are a lot higher

You'll encounter resists forever. With Charisma, they'll reach a manageable level, but you'll have to adjust how you play to prepare for those times when you just can't seem to land a spell. I'm a wizard without any alts over level 30, so trust me when I say it's still fun to play a wizard.
Feel free to send me a /tell - I just started playing 2 days ago too, and yeah, I came to try and re-live my early EQ days too, and whilst yeah, this is different, and unfortunately I don't particularly like some of the changes, it is still by far the best EMU (and probably therefore MMO to be honest) out there from what it seems. Beats the abomination that Live has become, or every other kiddie-fest MMO out there ::)
You'll encounter resists forever. With Charisma, they'll reach a manageable level, but you'll have to adjust how you play to prepare for those times when you just can't seem to land a spell. I'm a wizard without any alts over level 30, so trust me when I say it's still fun to play a wizard.

Aye, So charisma buffs would reduce the number of resists I should get?
Aye, So charisma buffs would reduce the number of resists I should get?

Yes. You are probably going to want to invest in a staff of the charismatic when you get a chance later(if you want to be a little more self sufficient), though that will be a long way down the road. It has a clicky charisma buff on it.
It is by far the best EMU out there and usually the community is pretty helpful but ofcourse you will get some bad apples but 95% of them are great. I hope you enjoy it and there is a bit of learning curve with the new content, adepts, maps, and such. Being a solo caster with no way of twinking a bit is harder then melee but will pay off later on.

Also, I would suggest boxing a healer of some kind as you dont really need a druid with wiz ports so maybe a shammy would be good. However, druids are good with wizzies as you do aoe's later and have some fun.

Oh, and welcome.
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