New here


Dalayan Beginner
Hi folks,

I'm an old EQ release player; played till PoP or sometime there after and loved the game. I haven't played original EQ in about 5 years though so coming back will be all new to me =).

I wanted to know the policy on boxing - is it allowed? I'd like to run a Necro/Druid if possible.

Are there any lower level groups or is this pretty much a high end content game server?


I'm sure the differences between Dalaya and Norrath would make anyone feel as if it is all new to them. Should be a good number of groups around, especially if you play at peak times.

Welcome to SoD :D
What would you say Peak times are? What does the population look like peak/non-peak?

I opted to go Necro/Druid anticipating a lot of solo time
id say average is about 120-150 ppl on at most times. peaks at about 350, depends what time zone youre in. around 10am GMT seems to be peak time for my play hours.

also the fact that your forum name is the same as an old crappy russian car brand amuses me :)
It's actually the largest River in Europe flowing through central Russia (or what ever they are called now), I had a pen pal as a kid (way way way the eff back when folks used pen/paper) who lived on the river and I've always liked the way the word sounded =)

I've been Volga, Grunch, Tylaric in every MMO since EQ1, Rathe, circa 1999. I moved to Brell when it was created and from there to Firiona Vie where I retired my 65 Cleric.

I totally hi-jacked that reply to add more info -- pretty clever hey? =)

Loving the server and the game thus far - it's my 1st private eq server experience but from what I can tell it's going to be a keeper.


V boxing T
well, captain geography, comrade vartenaal is happy to velcome you to ze community of sodomy, i mean SoD.
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