New guy


Dalayan Beginner
Hello everyone, played EQ for 7 years got tired of paying for it but felt an itch of wanting to play I found this server online so wanted to give it a shot. redownloading everything as we speak so hopefully will go smoothy and will be on playing with you guys soon unless I fluff something up :)
hmm told me mss32.dll wasn't installed and couldn't find eqw.dll

anyone knows what to do with that would appreciate the help
hope you fixd the issue are are playing. Sod likes to randomly break for me. I cant even count the number of times Ive reinstalled the whole game and patchd just to fix it. Atm my sodbin.exe is broken and I have to manually download patchs. wee fun. but this game is a lot of fun and its worth it.
So if i go out and buy the titanium edition i can patch everything? or do i still have to have an active account to patch. cause i couldn't find titanium in the games stores. guess i will look into online ordering options if thats the only one that will patch without an account.
You don't need to patch to live with titanium because it has what you need already. Just install titanium, patch to SoD and you're good to go.

You can buy the titanium edition off of for 10 bucks.
If you haven't already made the purchase, check your local Gamestops. They carry the Titanium for 5 bucks.
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