Dalayan Elder
Hi all.
I played Game from right after Kunark to GoD in a moderate raiding guild. I started thinking about Game today and found this site by chance. The emu sounds great and I can't wait to try it, all I need to do is find my disks. I heard the Platinum Series disk is all I need????
Anyway, I plan to box a shammy/monk and see how it goes. Are human classes vision impaired in this emu???
I'm trying to adjust to the nomenclature of all of the zones and items that I have read on the FaQs. I guess it will all come to me as I will be starting over.
Any good newbie guilds available for one to familiarize oneself with the game and find groups?
Server Population?
Instanced zones?
Corpse runs?
PoK teleportation?
I hope I don't offend anyone by asking questions here, but there are so many stickied items to read.
In closing, thanks to the developers and I hope to see some of you in game soon!
I played Game from right after Kunark to GoD in a moderate raiding guild. I started thinking about Game today and found this site by chance. The emu sounds great and I can't wait to try it, all I need to do is find my disks. I heard the Platinum Series disk is all I need????
Anyway, I plan to box a shammy/monk and see how it goes. Are human classes vision impaired in this emu???
I'm trying to adjust to the nomenclature of all of the zones and items that I have read on the FaQs. I guess it will all come to me as I will be starting over.
Any good newbie guilds available for one to familiarize oneself with the game and find groups?
Server Population?
Instanced zones?
Corpse runs?
PoK teleportation?
I hope I don't offend anyone by asking questions here, but there are so many stickied items to read.
In closing, thanks to the developers and I hope to see some of you in game soon!