New guy - Looking for advice


Dalayan Beginner
Hi All

I am very much looking forward to joining the server and hoping to to it sooner rather than later.

I am wondering whether anyone can help.

I am an old skool EQ player, haven't played for a few years but played since Kunark all the way to Seeds of Discord.

The question is this - I still have my SOE Account details with all expansions on etc but i bought them all as Digital Download. Am i able to download EQ so that i can play on SoD servers or would i have to purchase Titanium?

Apologies if this is not in the correct section, just looking forward to experiencing some aspects of the game again

Many thanks

f you *purchased* all the client information then that should work just fine. In all candor even unpurchased copies work - we just in no way endorse their use because we think the creators deserve their due. If you have all the files regardless how you got them y ou should be good to go.
the only problem with Digital Download these days... in the past you were able to download say the LoN trial and patch that fully to live get the entire game then patch SoD. but now you have to have an ACTIVE live account to even download the game rather you purchased it or not. your best bet is to go to and buy some Titanium cd's activate your live account and download from the patcher or search around for "other ways"
Dont worry, i did it in the most supportive and honest way i could.

I managed to find somewhere on the SOE website to get the patcher and i just re-subscribed for a month, cheaper than buying Titanium edition.

Once the patcher has finished, i will then follow the instructions listed in another post right?

How long does the SoD patcher take? Doesn't look like i will be playing until late this weekend :(
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