New guy, has question.


Dalayan Beginner
Howdy folks, I've been reading around on various forums but there is nothing like just going straight to the source. I don't own a copy of EQ 1, but have spent large amounts of time on EQ 2 and EQOA, my question being if I were to buy this would I have any complications getting the game running due it being from Steam? Could I just buy it, and then activate it on a current SoE account and then download it that way if necessary? This server looks excellent and I would like to get in on it, thanks for all your help!:)
Howdy folks, I've been reading around on various forums but there is nothing like just going straight to the source. I don't own a copy of EQ 1, but have spent large amounts of time on EQ 2 and EQOA, my question being if I were to buy this would I have any complications getting the game running due it being from Steam? Could I just buy it, and then activate it on a current SoE account and then download it that way if necessary? This server looks excellent and I would like to get in on it, thanks for all your help!:)

I'm pretty sure Steam would work. I recently bought the EQ: House of Thule pack with all the previous expansions via Steam. Followed the instructions, downloaded the patcher, etc, works for me. Only difference is the directories the game will be in. Instead of X:\Everquest, it would be in X:\Steam\steamapps\common\everquest or something, not sure of the exact directory, as I'm away from my computer, currently in Thailand visiting family.

That said, the minimum is the Titanium pack, I believe. So you should be fine.

Happy holidays. At this current time, the population might be a bit small, due to the festivities, but it should pick up again in a few weeks.
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