New Everquest player !


Dalayan Beginner
Hello everyone !

I am totally new to Everquest, I have never played it before.

I'm sort of an MMO veteran, I have played way too many of them... most of which were really boring. As years go by I find online games less and less interesting, too easy, and solo-oriented (which is quite a shame for MMOs, but I disgress).

So, I decided to give Everquest a try. I have faith in old-school games, and I don't really mind the older graphics... as long as the game itself is interesting and the community is welcoming.

I am open to any suggestions / advices from older players, as I am totally lost already (I have no idea what to do in the very first room... I feel stupid). I made a human Shadow Knight character named Kimithras.

I hope to see more people in-game :) Talk to you all soon !

[Edit] : I managed to find how to talk to The Guide, thanks to a player who did it next to me. I have done the introduction quest and am now wandering in what I believe is a city, totally lost :)
Last edited: wandering in what I believe is a city, totally lost :)

Hi, welcome to Everlost... er SoD :D Shadowknights start in either Grobb or Newport Sewers, depending on race. If you are in Grobb, Stinger's Bog will be your newbie area, so kill stuff there. Also make sure to speak with your Guild Master, he would have been right near where you came in, I think there is a nice SK newbie gear quest there too. If you started in Newport Sewers, stay there, the sewers have some very nice areas for good xp/cash and even some named.

Also, feel free to talk to the players in the newbie guild that you started in, most of us will offer you all kinds of advise, good and bad :D
Thank you for your answer.

I have been talking on the newbie guild chat and I received some help :) For a first character I picked the human race, since it is the most balanced one (and I think it is a good thing for an hybrid class).

I am really enjoying the game so far, even though I am stuck again ; the silly mummy won't accept the beautiful rat tails I brought back from my epic fights.

When do I get to hunt in another area than the smelly sewers ? I'd like to fight in open air for a change ;P
North Newport has a newbie yard you could go to right away at level 1, and it is only 1 zone away from sewers. Also, just past that newbie yard is Centaur Hills, generally good for like 3-8. After that, there is West Badlands, just past Centaur Hills, it is like 8 or 10+, and pretty spread out if you want a nice open zone for kiting or something, and Blackburrow is a newbie dungeon connected to Centaur Hills also, designed for 8+ generally. I don't know what level you are or your character name, so I can't get more specific than that.

Keep in mind that there are a number of starting areas (at least 10?) and each one has a newbie yard that progresses into stronger and stronger areas, designed for easy transition as you level. So truthfully, you could go to any of those 10 newbie yards and grind if you prefer (though you wont be liked as a human in Grobb). The Newport area tends to be the most popular, incuding the sewers, so staying in that vague area will probably help you meet more people and make groups.

When I'm on, I'm normally playing Ghugran, 65 Dwarf Paladin. I'm in the newbie guild (have always been there, on all my characters) so BEWARE! :D
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The sewers is a little harder then North Newport, but the XP is better to about level 7-8. There are nameds that drop enhancing items in the sewers, and these types don't exist in NNP and Centaur Hills. They aren't much but are something.

Around that time move on to the gnolls outside Blackburrow and try to get in a group in there. In fact, get in a group whenever possible. Its the best way to meet people and make friends and is the best part of the game.

Consider talking to your GM and putting points into bandaging. Consider boxing a healer. You can have two accounts logged in, but no more then that at a time. You will now be your own group, and will learn how all DPS has ADD ( including FWF DPS!) and will engage and explode before you have aggro.

Save all the items that drop because they may have value to tradeskillers. Ask in guild if the items are vendor trash or valuable to tradeskillers. Since you want to buy a Mithril 2 hand blunt asap, these are an amazing leveling tool for new characters.

Welcome and check out the Wiki
Sewers are great - make sure to collect rat hoods and turn them into Captain Burke at the Newport Gates. 1000xp and some coin.
The sewers are definitely one of the harder newbie areas (along with grobb swamp) but also are pretty damned rewarding. A good alternative is to head through the sewers to the entrance at the North Newport gates. There you will find a newbie area thats a bit more tame.

I believe as an SK the only people in Newport you have to watch out for are Paladin initiates. They do not like you much. The rest should be fairly welcoming quest wise.
Wow, I didn't see my topic had received so many answers ! :) Thanks to all of you guys.

I have to admit I have kinda put my SK on the side for now, and I'm trying to level up a Barbarian Beastlord. I'm level 5 so far, and man... do I hate snow already ! :p
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