NEW computer


Dalayan Beginner
I just bought a new comp, and i can not get the SoD patcher or EQ titanium to install or let alone even run......trying to download through Utorrent can not seem to find a way to do it also have Poweriso
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Okay bro. I'll call you. But it will have to be tomorrow. I definitely will not guarantee success but I'm gonna pay it forward considering some help I have received from SoD people lately for my own computer shit.
I just bought a new comp, and i can not get the SoD patcher or EQ titanium to install or let alone even run......someone plzz help me shit you can even call me at (Thanks Leoc)-john

you are truly brave to put your phone number on the forums. i would expect some troll calls. IMO you should delete your phone number and maybe give us some other information such as at what point does your installer fail to complete, what error messages do you get if any during this time? How are you trying to install? Disks? torrent? live eq patcher? The stats of your new computer? what OS, etc etc.
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I just bought a new comp, and i can not get the SoD patcher or EQ titanium to install or let alone even run......trying to download through Utorrent can not seem to find a way to do it also have Poweriso

what steps is it failing? is it not downloading the torrents? are you having issues making images? have u got it started installing? does it get an error in the middle of the install? does it install and then not start? etc etc
try deamon tools for extracting the iso's from the torrent

try to recheck the torrent in utorrent to make sure it is complete
lol@ quoting his phone number and telling him to take it down

rofl, that is pretty funny! and the directory is wherever you put it liljohn usually for XP: C:\program files\ Sony\Everquest

for vista and xp: C:\ program filesx86: Sony\everquest

Those are the defaults anyways
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