New Arrival


Dalayan Beginner
Well, I stumbled upon this site a few days ago looking for an EQ2 server. That's the first MMOG I was privy to encounter and I really enjoyed it until Sony destroyed it. So, as I'm waiting for the patcher to "do it's thing" I thought I'd look around the forums and get a feel for SoD. I must say I'm very excited to be joining such an active community and I am looking forward to meeting all of you in game. I'm not sure which class I'll be playing on SoD but I am open to suggestions. What are the current shortages?
Honestly, play what you like. All classes have a use here, and its relatively well rounded as far as number of players in each class. As far as shortages, the classes with the more difficult learning curve are always needed.
Welcome to Sod =D About the best i can offer is there is definately an overabundance of druids, bards and enchanters become not only useful but mandatory. There are more caster dps then in melee classes.
Welcome to SoD! IMO, play what you have the most fun at playing. There are always classes coming and going, newly created, old abandoned. Bottom line though is that your here to have fun, so play what you consider is fun. If your not sure which class you consider fun, take the time and create a mulititude of them, until you get that spark, then stick with that one. One nice thing about SoD is that it's only one server so you can make all the characters you want without having to delete them and still be around the friends you meet. :)
Welcome :dance: You can two-box if you want, so check out the classes & gear forum for duo ideas.
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