New and with a few questions


Dalayan Beginner
well...i really want to be a part of this but i just need to have a few questions
1) Is there a way to get out of windowed mode?...i started the client up to see if it would work and it was windowed
2) It says i only have like...2048 MB of space when i choose character models and such....i know i have WAY more than that....any way to fix this?

Thanks in advance for all questions answered:D

*edit* also...i tried to start the game and it said that the server was down...any idea when it will be back up?

In response to question #2: I think you may be thinking of hard drive space, not RAM. You can select as many new models as you'd like, but instead of clicking next, simply hit enter.

The server should be back up in a bit.... I hope. :haw:
Lazule said:
well...i really want to be a part of this but i just need to have a few questions
1) Is there a way to get out of windowed mode?...i started the client up to see if it would work and it was windowed
2) It says i only have like...2048 MB of space when i choose character models and such....i know i have WAY more than that....any way to fix this?

Thanks in advance for all questions answered:D

*edit* also...i tried to start the game and it said that the server was down...any idea when it will be back up?
1) Yes, there should be an option you can check/uncheck in the eqw startup screen to go fullscreen.
2) You mean when selecting the updated character models? After selecting the ones you want to have on, instead of clicking next, hit enter. No idea what causes this bug, but the fix works =P
3) It sounds like the server is currently down, and they never give an ETA. Based on what I've heard it's probably a crash. Any time the server is down, you can check out the current status in the irc channel, irc:// /join #sod. If you need more help getting the IRC up and running, use the search function for the forums, there have been several threads that offer some help on troubleshooting various problems. If you need an IRC client, check out mIRC or ChatZilla.

Oh, and 4) Welcome to the server!
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