New and mabye ambitious?


Dalayan Beginner
Brand spankin new to SoD. I only ever got to lvl 55 on live, but it still holds a special place in my heart. I'm trying to bring as many friends as I can with me, but so far it's only 1.

Rolled a warrior/shaman duo. Hoping to see the warrior epic swords. :dance: I always wanted those.

Hope to see ya in game.
Tactasaurus said:
Rolled a warrior/shaman duo. Hoping to see the warrior epic swords. :dance: I always wanted those.

You probably have already found out that this wont happen :).

But welcome to sod anyway , maybe you will fall in love despite having expectations of it to be like the game.
lotox said:
You probably have already found out that this wont happen :).

But welcome to sod anyway , maybe you will fall in love despite having expectations of it to be like the game.

I didn't know I couldn't. Are there no epic weapons? I never played live enough to know much about end game.

I also havn't seen all the diffrences it has from live. Only lvl 5, still in the newbie area. It is a lot of fun though. I'm eager to learn more.
Tactasaurus said:
I also havn't seen all the diffrences it has from live.

You'd be better off trying to find the similarities :keke: - there are very few. I suggest taking some time to review the SoD wiki, it's not always accurate but the bulk of the information is reasonably accurate and current. I would also suggest that you read the lore sections of the forums and (at least the first time) read all the quest dialog - Wiz and Co. have done a simply awesome job in developing a back story that fits well.

On another note, the GMs here are very involved in the game and are very quick to crack down on idiots - this more than anything attracted and held my interest.

Welcome to a much better game than that other one... :toot:.

I had read most of the wiki and a few of the longer lore posts before making a character. Seeing people give this much time and of themselves to one thing is inspiring to say the least. And out of all the mmo's I have played, active GM's (as you say) are unheard of. Combine this with a friendly player community and SoD is lookin good. ;)

So far, at lvl 5, I have only seen changes in game mechanics and economy, but I have enjoyed every thing. Being half nostalgic and half curious is making this game a very welcomed and refreshing experience.
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