New and having trouble finding a UI.


Dalayan Beginner
Hello everyone, I just left The Dream! This game has totally caught my attention I could see myself playing this more then live in short time. If anyone knows of the UI Vert and could point me to one similar to it for this game I would be forever grateful. Even being able to point me to a small collection or some of your favorite UI's is welcome here ;)

Thanks ahead of time!
Welcome to SoD :keke: You'll find some useable UI's on eqinterface especially if you look through the older ones. Careful though, some will just crash the client! :tinfoil:
The Tablets UI works, and won't break things too badly. There's a thread with my name on it in which I got some help fixing a couple of things that didn't work (didn't stop it from functioning, however, just looked wrong).
welcome to the world of SoD. may your soul find peace again sence you have awaken from the long sleep.see you out there. hason the warrior :dance:
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