need simple help with game install


Dalayan Beginner
hello :) call me im patient but ive posted in the tech area once all ready now again i realise im not the only one here with issue but id realy like to get on and try playing please excuess my poor typeing and spelling in advance ..i try to do my best . also im not to technicaly mineded some of stuff im read thus far i realy dont know what it means or how to do it right :( i can do some stuff but not everything

i cannot get the game to work much at all all i have atm is the 8 loose game disks i bought speratly back in the day as the expantions came out i have 1 original eq game 1 disk 2 kunark 3 veliuos . 4 shadows of luciln 5 plains of power 6 lost dungeons of norrath 7gates of discord 8 omens of war .i read you neded up to at least gates of discord so im assuming my disks are fine .
ok now for long list of stuff first question what the diffrence with paltium edtion and anniversary edtion of game packs why do you recamend those..over the loose disks folks may have is there some thing special about them thats i dont know coded diffrently to make this game more compatable. and will my disks work just as good with out have ing to out and hunt one of these exp pack sets down ? and whats the diffrence installing one of those packs and my 8 loose disks ..
this is one fact i have to know first before i go out and spend money on the game again and find out it ether wont with with computer i have or operateing system i have..or for what ever reason i cant or no one will help me get it up and running.

Here is first thing i did i went to sod site and i registred on foruoms and for the game i did use same user name for log in reasons and a diffrent pw now i dont know mabey the duplite user name i used for trial game but useing the diffrent pw is messing me up somehow i dont know

i down loaded the sod patcher to my desk top and left it there and i even down loaded the zipped file one to to desk top just in case

next i loaded one game disk at a time to my computer i took out the trail game also now im not sure of this but i think i ether took trail game out while i was loadeding the game disks mabey some how that did some thing next all the game file went to my program (x86) folders but some how i noticed the normal program files had just the folder **** listed with 2 empty folders saying station and launch pad in them noithing more i thought this was odd

through trail and error i got the sod patcher to patch bye hitting browse and selecting the folder named ********* that had all the oither folders with all the other stuff in it.
now i have a quad proccessor and i saw one of the maney listing i saw say if you do selct this as to how many procesors you have and check it so i hit 4 for bind afinity
the patcher started patching and it seemed like it was going find it got to the next box wich came up and beacuse of the EWQ i had checked off

i got the eq beta 2.35 window that poped up with the exacutable to launch thing poping up now im not sure but i think here where i went wrong and im not relay sure what to do form this point i put the EQGAME.exe i saw to do the little eq icon with that info in the exacuable launch window checked that off and started the load
now i dont know what im suppose to be seeing next but if its supose to be a SOD launcher big window and not the eq one with all tabs and advertise ments and news then im doing some thing wrong here and i would relay like the help please
i was worried about the **** folder that seems to be where i shold of been but missing the eq folders so i took my eq folder form x86 progrmas and loaded it to the **** folder atm here is what i have in the patcher window

C:\Program Files\****\Station\LaunchPad\********* with .... with eqw window checked off and run after patch checked off
next window in the excutbale launch i have this
C:\Program Files\****\Station\LaunchPad\*********\eqgame.exe
with fix eq clientini checked off
i have windows xp 64 bit atm i may get windows 7 in few weeks mabey.
i have 2 9600 fx gso cards in there with sli enabled 4 gigs of ram 750 wat pwoer supply an xfx mother baord 750i
now for the errors i got i get ether error string not found 303 ..or ip_plugin.exehas encounterd a problem and needs to close or i get what im getting now is EQGAME.EXE HAS ENCOUNTERD A PROBLEM AND NEEDS TO CLOSE..

its plain to see ive done some thing wrong here or the emu or some thing doenst like what i have.. i played the game for 6 years before i quit so im a 6 year vet here ,, ive been thinking about game for a while now the last few months and id like to see if i have any intrest in it still and see if i can get into an untainted **** version lol

if anyone is able to help or willing to help after reading this massive post please explain it in a very simple manner such as put this here put that there take this out extarct this while its inside this folder ect simple it is sooner i get on :)

if some one cna give me ether some type of phone suport or mabey let me use there VENT channle for a bit till we get it up and working or mabey some other voice chat or some type of support id relay be greatful for the help its plain to see i cant get this running on my own ..again i realise im not only person here who needs help...
if you dont have time to answer every thing at once at the least answer my quest tion about my loose game disks and the exp pack boxed sets please please lol :)
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You will be fine if you install the loose disks. We recommend titanium mostly because it's a single install. The important thing is to get everything up to Gates of Discord installed.

eggame.exe is the right program to have the sodpatcher running. You correctly bound to a single processor.

When you run it, do you have the checkbox set to repatch all?
help with instaling

yes i have 8 games instaled up to omens of war but as you see i getiing to many error messages poping so im doing some thing wrong i have the repatch checked of yes ..

if there is some way i can comunicate with some one form game on mumble or vent or any voice chat would help alot please thanks
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new error

ok this time i tride useing the eqgame.ex form the alternate patch files folder you had on site this time i got error mss32.dll not found ...there some thing im doing wrong just not sure what :( mabey read the massive post i did and check other errors mabey you see some thing i did wrong...

again if there any way to chat with some one on any voice chat you cna even use mine if you have to please would be major help thanks

i some how managed to get it to ula screen finaly i hit accept and it froze i could not get it to that screen again all night

all im getting now is error 303 string not found messages .. i dont know if i should do a clean whipe of game and reinstall or not ..please i relay need help here getting this working if some one could provide screen shots of what i should be doing or selecting relay would help
again a vent or any vioce chat would help hell ill call you on phone if i have to lol

please help ..............
lol ok freaking out

ok i just uninstalled every exp pack disk and reinstalled it all and all im getting is error 303 message i cant fix this i relay need help

ok i noticed an odd error again when you go in to the ever quest folder to load the eqgame.exe to patch game ive not iced this at first all the eq icons where the newer black background with gold letters when i used the black gold one i was able to get to sezier warning or the elua but then game would get stuck on that so i rna rapatch all to doubel check patch but then the eq eqgame.exe tuned into the old style icons that looked like the silver sheilds with the blue letterings once that happend the eqgame.exe icon broke ever time i got to second window with executable asking for it i choose that since it techicaly was same one as before and now all i get is error 303 messages string not found and i cant get past this

can some one please take time to mabey reaserch this for me it may help others .. out also if this issue ever comes up again . i relay wnat to get on and play ive spent 3 days staright trying to get this to work i just dont know what to do any more i need live help form some one on a voice chat call me up on phone some thing ..pleeeeeease..

any thing ive tride all the posting here on site said to do and nothing is working its prbaly some thing simple or complicated i dont know :(
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OK, back up, do the following things:

1) Download SOD patcher
2) Run SOD patcher so it patches to your EQ folder
3) Let the game start up, click past everything until login
4) Login with SOD un/pw, if you see 'SoD Malath server' then you're good
sorry its not working i loaded a new sod patcher into the the eq folder then i opend it i have bind to afinity checked of number 1 eqw checked off run after patch checked off i i have C:\Program Files\********* in the eq directory in there to load so i patch and run it the next window the pops is the eqw beta window that pops in the exaculable to launch i have C:\Program Files\*********\eqgame.exe and theres only one eqgame.exe icon in that folder i have fix eqclient.ini checked off i hit start eq and all i get is error 303 again
and i dont know what that sod un/pw means ..thats the thing i cnat even get to that log in screen let alot see the sod log in border if i even get to one its the eq log in with all news ads ect..again i dont know if you read ALL of my issues but if it was this simple id of been on all ready :(

i just double checked folder there are only 2 eq icons in there 1 that looks like a silver sheild with blue eq letters marked eqgame.exe .. and other is black background with gold eq letters marked everrquest.exe im useing the one with silver sheild and blue letters marked eqgame.exe like im supose to
again if i could use some ones vent ot chat chanlle for fewmins to get this working you cna always block me after

btw nice advitar :)
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Do you have DirectX 9.0c or later installed? Vista comes with it, but I'm not sure XP does. What OS do you have?
Researching this a bit more, it may be that really old versions of the exe may have problems.

Your best bet is to find a cheap copy of titanium or later. We here at shards do not recommend you torrent it because that would be stealing, even though you obviously already paid for the software.

thanks crunchy that eqgame ex does make bit more sence for me i guess i can try it
i have windows xp 64 bit xp professional i have direct x 9.0

will i be ok with eq anniversary edtion that has first 13 exp packs

i saw it for 30 bucks in store bye me the titanium seems to be higher priced

again thanks for all responces everyone keep them coming if you can or think of some thing else hehe i dont want to have to repost all that info again haha ..

and if i get it working ill let everyone know but i would like my posts kept up for while if possble once im in the game and after awhile its running smooth enough if and when i get it working
missiing exp pack

you know its odd but i just noticed i seem to be missing the legacy of yekesa disk was there ever a disk or was that originaly a down load form them only

could that be why im haveing issues you think or is that not a big deal ?

say could i of got the newest underfoot gift pack ..set with all the bounses and had that work ? also with sod ?
I'm having this same problem.

I played the retail version of EQ up to Prophecy of Ro and have all expansions up to there installed on my computer. I downloaded the SoD patcher, selected the path to my EQ folder, patched it all, etc. Got to the EQW launcher, found *********.exe, it launches. I get to the login screen (everything looks exactly like it does on the retail version of *********), I type in my log in information and I receive a message that says "Invalid Username or Password." I'm entering in exactly what I signed up as online?
I'm having this same problem.

I played the retail version of EQ up to Prophecy of Ro and have all expansions up to there installed on my computer. I downloaded the SoD patcher, selected the path to my EQ folder, patched it all, etc. Got to the EQW launcher, found *********.exe, it launches. I get to the login screen (everything looks exactly like it does on the retail version of *********), I type in my log in information and I receive a message that says "Invalid Username or Password." I'm entering in exactly what I signed up as online?

Accounts are Free make a new one if you haven't even log'ed in before, Likely you just make a typo somewhere and didn't catch it.
Accounts are Free make a new one if you haven't even log'ed in before, Likely you just make a typo somewhere and didn't catch it.

I tried making two other accounts, both with the same password. None of them let me log on.
found copy of eq aniversary

well i was lucky enough to find new copy of eq aninversary edtion for 34 bucks total not to bad
but i hope it works or im out all that money i hope my error 303 message is beacuse i dont have ykesha loaded .

and if anyone can conferm this could i have bought the new est exp pack set UNDERFOOT and had it still work with SOD that has all the expantion packs up to date all 16 of them
or is this some thing about older ones that is diffrent ?

thanks ... :)
well some good news

well some good news i spoke to so*yand got my old game account back but all but one of the toons was there ..they gve me 3 days free play time to sort out the one toon and to deside what to do i had to petions the gms about getting back my old toons i deleted thye are working on it atm now ... but while doing that since i had my account back for 3 day i got all the expantions loaded for free up to dark hallow..i figured i have nothing to loose so i used that eq folder to try to load sod some thing was broken corupted or missing my my old loads beacause when i used the digatal down load s**y gave me .. omg the game loaded up and went through i made a toon and was able to get in game i was only on for 20 mins chatting alot it has not been tested fully yet
i could not get the alt tab out to work all it did was grey out my game window and make the blue borders appear in outer edges ..the windows one i could not even touch those for some reason so i could not acess other stuff in the back ground like maps other sites ect..
so it would seem to me some thing was missing or broken old out dated with my game disks ..

atm it seems to be working...i did notice the SOd loading screen while its loading up the game to get to the carcter select screen was bugged i saw a some what scrbaled immage that just said on the middle right side shards of ... and rest was cut off..

well well see what happens .. some time soon hopefuly when i get the game disks it will fix more of it :)
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