Need Help With Driver Issues and SOD Patcher


Dalayan Beginner
when i run the sod patcher it gets stuck on patching generalcommands.html....

when i try to run EQ it says i need to download the 6575 drivers for my ati mobility radeon x600. i went to ati's site to dl the driver but the driver files are extension .asp and i cant run that type with any of my programs. i tried downloading the control center but that says driver not found...

my computer is running xp professional with sp2 if that helps

if anyone knows what to do id appreciate a moron-proof explanatoin on what to do.

thankyou for the help.
Download the latest ati drivers from the notebooks manufacturers site. The ones from ATI's website generally dont work on the mobilities, even the mobility drivers :\
That hang is not from drivers though.
its not that the ones from ati dont work its that their file extensions are .asp and i have no program to run .asp's
um, no. an .asp is 'active server page'. the ati files are not, in fact, .asps. You are trying to download the wrong thing, or saving them as .asps.

This is where you'd probably get mobolity drivers, if you actually needed them, and the ones from ATi work.
If your machine is not on that list, you need to download the ones from the LAPTOP MANUFACTURER.
Again, the game will probably play fine with the drivers you already have. The patcher hanging is more than likely NOT an issue from your video drivers.
i figured out why they were asp's... the crappy dl manager my friend had me dl to get the game was converting them to asp's. BUT i dl'd the drivers and i still cant run the game, although it lets me run the tutorial. Do you have any idea where i can find the 6575 drivers for my ati mobility radeon x600?

also, i never said the patcher hanging was due to my driver i was asking for help with that additional problem. if you have any idea what to do about that i'd appreciate the help.
You probably cant run the game for the same reason you cant run the patcher. You most likely dont need those specific drivers to run the game. To add to this, drivers for ATIs mobility products are NOT the same as their desktop drivers. The latest drivers for YOUR mobility ATi is going to be from the LAPTOP MANUFACTURERS WEBSITE, as I've said numerous times.
Let me reiterate that the reason you cannot play is most likely NOT due to video card drivers. The latest drivers for your mobility ATi are almost surely at the manufacturers site. Whatever is latest there is the latest you are going to get, period.
Fix your SoD problems (patching and servers) first. Worry about video card drivers later.
turned off firewall sod patcher still hanging up on generalcommands.html game still wont start after warning me to update video driver(which i did). tried reinstalling. going to give up soon...

now it says to download the 9163 drivers... if it isn't my video card what is it nuncio?
It's a networking problem. Wrong hosts, bad DNS, buggered up TCP/IP or winsock from spyware/malware/hijackers, shitty router, router not set up right, who knows. Are you behind a router? If you are, try plugging in directly to the broadband modem, see if that helps.
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