Necro main quest - Newport 4th part. Lost NPC name and zone. Please help


Dalayan Beginner
I have lost the details for the 4th (i think) part of the Newport necro quest. I remeber it saying a NPC in Badlands. Something happened to my journal (i was manualy entering notes) since last week and now have lost his name. Can anyone shed some light. Not asking for exact loc or anything just which Badlands N,E,S or W and the guys name.

If you have a copy of the text all the better but I could never get my journal to automatically record conversations.

Much appreciated if you can help.


** Actually im not sure if this is the MAIN quest (its not the one using the books from 'The Last' in the dream) but its the series starting with the head honcho necro in the Newport Sewers. Part 1 - killing/raising one of the bodies in the pit, Part 2 - killing on of the acolytes. Part 3 - killing 2 paladin iniates and returning their heads.
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