Re: My last reply so have fun with it
zeati said:
Yes, a "clever" name is important to me. I would like to have a name that I actually like. And I hardly believe that that constitutes me having issues.
You smack me around for wordplay when you got "cheese" "cheeze" and "cheezes" running around next to each other?
While I wasn't the one to flag your name, I assure you I would be even quicker to flag any cheese-related names than I would Quickstick.
Again, thanks for calling the name idiotic, you seem to like doing that. I think the least of your problems should be worring about a name that actually sounds like a nickname and is perfectly matching to a fantacy world if anyone could bare even the slightest touch of imagination.
Just as Frooak Fribbit would be a great name for a froglok, or Purrfect would be fantastic for a Vah Shir? How about Gruntsalot for a warrior, or Bignukes for a wizard?
And in response to the game being unplayable, it was. If you are in a group and out of nowhere you get a message that puts you on the spot to change your name in two minutes or get booted off of the server, I have two choices. Change it to something that I can't hardly put any reasonable thought into, or leave the group and have the gameplay disrupted. Why not give me 24 hours or something for a name that may not fit into your little rulebook, but isn't vulgar? The concept wasn't hard to grasp, but I felt it was unreasonable. Oh, and again, appreciate you calling the name I chose not just idiotic but now retarded, whatever.
Had you obeyed the naming policy in the first place, it wouldn't have been an issue. And if your aim was to actually continue playing, you could take five minutes offline to decide on a name, then log on and /changename it.
Well, my freind, it does matter what I think about the naming policy as I was a player and a potential donator. As you are obviously having financial problems at the moment; listening to something reasonable and taking it into account is normally the act of a mature person and a reasonable businessman. Maybe you are just hellbent on having your little server the way you want it, and you being the dictator of it, will with no doubt get it. Just don't spend too much time wondering why it just won't take off and/or why you can't people to feel they are in a world that is worth paying for because it is a step away from all the misfit crap that happened on the original eq.
First of all, it's not my sandbox. I'm just here to help ensure that people aren't flinging poo left and right. Bear in mind that this is not a for-profit organization. No one is charged money to play on this server, and I would speculate that one of the many reasons for that is to prevent the administration from feeling as though it is dependent upon anyone to provide the funding. There are no businessmen within the context of this server. There are people providing a game world for anyone to play in, and there are those who play in it and support it.
As far as another sandbox, I already told you. I have chosen one. To be frank, I am suprised you haven't deleted this acocunt, locked me out from replying, or simply deleted this entire thread.
Why would I or anyone else do that? I think that perhaps you mistake the enforcement of pretty straightforward rules as a penchant for the abuse of power. If so, you are mistaken.
I presented a reasoned arguement as to why... and it basically went unanswered because the person that answered couldn't even figure out why the name was forced to be changed.
Your reasoned argument consisted of "But why, guys?"
Besides that to refer to me as childish? Believe me sir or kid or whatever you are, if I don't like something, I move on and so does the rest of the successful business world. It's called life. If your service is subpar or doesn't meet my expectations, I would be more of a child to put up with it. So you can call me childish or whatever, but the bottom line is it's your loss, not mine. And I will go to another "sandbox" and you can play god on your little shoestring budget in your little virtual part of the world with one less thorn in your side.
Again, this is not a business. No one is trying to get rich off of SOD. Donations are requested to help cover server costs for a service that is provided to anyone free of charge, providing those people follow a few simple rules. This server is subpar because it won't let you pick a goofy name akin to Meowmeow Stabsalot? Oh, what a sad predicament you face.
The long and short of it is really that naming violations are determined at the discretion of the Admins and the GMs. While in many cases a solid argument could be made defending nerfed names, none of us have either the time or inclination to debate every name nerf. Now, of course we could make an exception in certain cases and discuss the decision with a person here and there. Then, of course, we'd be giving certain people preferential treatment--a state of affairs which far surpasses in eggregiousness nerfing a name here and there that might be borderline OK. Thus we're left with either debating the merits of the name change with every person flagged, or simply saying it is not debatable, period. I think I speak for every member of the staff when I say that, as a volunteer, I would rather not spend half an hour belaboring the naming policy and the inappropriateness of various phrases each time I see something that I feel is a violation. We must therefore, in the interest of equitability, simply make the changes and move on. I am sorry if that seems unfair to you, but to do otherwise would objectively be either unfair to virtually everyone, or unacceptable to those who have to enforce the rules.
Of course, as always, if you feel that a GM has been abusing his powers, or picking on you individually, you are welcome to address that matter to one of the administrators. Just be sure it's not frivolous, or they'll slap you around pretty soundly.