My tale


Dalayan Beginner

Well I was looking through my CD case one dday and saw my EQ CDs with Firiona's face staring back at me.
And As I gazed into her eyes, She spoke to me!

"Do it, You know you want to!" She said, her heavenly lilting voice rang.

"But the CD hole is too small, It won't work!" I exclaimed, Tears pouring from my cheeks.

"OMFG u perv" Her tone darkened "Play it!"

"Ohhh," I said, Dissapointedly "But how shall I pay? I got let go from my job and am doing school full time!"

She sighed at me as she recounted "Remember that one server you looked at a few years back? Yeah, You didnt want to leave your EQ friends, But now... This is your only choice!" She screamed at me, Her voice taking on maniacle tones "The taint runs deep through your blood! Give in! Give in!"

And I said "W/e"


And here I am!

But I cannot find my EQ titanium CDs, only my SoF,
So it may be some time till I either find my disks or buy some new ones.

I pray to cheesus I didnt throw them away.

Drakoras Corpsebreath 69nth Necro of tunare
Cildader Darkfaith 57th Cleric of tunare
Rasputina Badmoon 58th Shadowknight of tunare
Benny Benjammin 55 Bard of tunare

(AKA: I have no life)
Dirty.. Had to read it twice it was that entertaining. You should run out and buy it now. You know she will visit you in your dreams and bash your skull in if you don't.

Well I was looking through my CD case one dday and saw my EQ CDs with Firiona's face staring back at me.
And As I gazed into her eyes, She spoke to me!

"Do it, You know you want to!" She said, her heavenly lilting voice rang.

"But the CD hole is too small, It won't work!" I exclaimed, Tears pouring from my cheeks.

"OMFG u perv" Her tone darkened "Play it!"

"Ohhh," I said, Dissapointedly "But how shall I pay? I got let go from my job and am doing school full time!"

She sighed at me as she recounted "Remember that one server you looked at a few years back? Yeah, You didnt want to leave your EQ friends, But now... This is your only choice!" She screamed at me, Her voice taking on maniacle tones "The taint runs deep through your blood! Give in! Give in!"

And I said "W/e"


And here I am!

But I cannot find my EQ titanium CDs, only my SoF,
So it may be some time till I either find my disks or buy some new ones.

I pray to cheesus I didnt throw them away.

Drakoras Corpsebreath 69nth Necro of tunare
Cildader Darkfaith 57th Cleric of tunare
Rasputina Badmoon 58th Shadowknight of tunare
Benny Benjammin 55 Bard of tunare

(AKA: I have no life)

The hole might not be to small LOL! You should try it :evil grin: Get the CDs man, you will love the server!
The hole might not be to small LOL! You should try it :evil grin:

:dumbsad: Mean...

For that I like you.


Guess What I'm getting

I just have to wait it to arrive...

Took me long enough, Eh?

I got a little sick of playing my 4387532987534th Oblivion character, and I finished the Wheel of Time series so I no had nothing other to fill the huuuuuge void in my life.


EQ> my BF


I find myself reminiscing about the old pays of EQ. I played off and on for 5 years on my own personal account, and I played with my dad when I was little (I pretty much ran his boxed character) since it first came out.

Damnable nostalgia
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