My offer for webmaster


Dalayan Beginner
Hello I was wondering if you all had a webmaster. IF not I am offering my skill. I currently host a few game communities like and I am familiar with php and mysql and can do some graphic design. You can contact me at [email protected]
Funny you have two buttons on the right of the first sites link and niether validate :(

Also, doesnt exist as far as I could find.
not sure what beittilbonker is implying but sof2 is currently down atm it is another site.
The new TESGames site is online .
Also to BeittilBonker i know what the <div> command is for. Because of the limitations of HTML and the inconsistencies of CSS, the only reliable layout tools for site designers at this time are HTML tables. I know all about the arguments of using css over tables and this is hardly the place for that argument as a designer it up to me to decide what format to use. Tables used in moderation can definently be used as layout tools.Thanks for the opinion but i find it hardly constructive.[/url]
Looks like it's phpnukes work. Although I agree that CSS is a very bad standard to go by since Firefox and IE display it differently.
Naes said:
Looks like it's phpnukes work. Although I agree that CSS is a very bad standard to go by since Firefox and IE display it differently.

I never had any problems with that, i believe there this is pretty much always a css command to make it work in both situations!
But still, saying that tables are not for layout is kinda ignant, considering like 80% of the sites out there are tables.

There's nothing wrong with them either way :eek:
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