My MQ is broken


Dalayan Beginner
Ok My main quest is broken i can't talk to the druid by the river After completeing the Silver crown soldier upgrade. I talk to the one by zone in and she says go see her sister. i talk to the one by the lake not the 3 sister i'm posistive i've hailed her a million times while invised and not while invised. She tells me to go away i don't talk to outlanders. All trader varner says is that i need to go to everfrost nothing more he can do for me. I did everything i was supposed to i told the the lady by EPL about the invsaion. i don't know what's wrong i'm pretty sure it's just busted i've had a few people help and none could figure it out either Thanks for any help u can give me
Ok My main quest is broken i can't talk to the druid by the river After completeing the Silver crown soldier upgrade. I talk to the one by zone in and she says go see her sister. i talk to the one by the lake not the 3 sister i'm posistive i've hailed her a million times while invised and not while invised. She tells me to go away i don't talk to outlanders. All trader varner says is that i need to go to everfrost nothing more he can do for me. I did everything i was supposed to i told the the lady by EPL about the invsaion. i don't know what's wrong i'm pretty sure it's just busted i've had a few people help and none could figure it out either Thanks for any help u can give me

Try talking to Gavin in Erimal.
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