My Lay Hands is still broken


Dalayan Adventurer
Ok, its been a few months and have heard no response through any medium so I thought I would restate my problem in hope of getting a fix or atleast a real answer.

My paladin, Zaos, is unable to use lay hands due to a bug causing the lay hands timer to reset (as if I just used it) every time I zone (die, log, et al.). My lay hands is therefore down just about all the time because in SoD we constantly have to zone, camp (to clear agro/bugs) and die. I don't know of anyone else who has had this problem. After 5 months this problem has become most frustrating because I could have my LH AAs which become a great help in innumerable situations and are even capable of saving entire raids in some instances. To me, I would think if the problem is localized to my character that the easy fix would be a chacter deletion and restoration of some form (where a new Zaos would be supplied with same equipment and abilities). I cant see how the problem can be on my side when it exists regardless of the computer I am playing on. If anyone has a fix for this I'd <3 you forever for helping me.
i buglisted it.
Still occuring. Im sure Wiz will get on it asap. he is good like that
Oh, so I'm not the only one with the problem. I've asked around for a long time now and never heard any other pallys with this issue. Just curious, has anyone else had this problem?
One of the reasons I stopped playing was because my LOH never worked. I died so often when trying to use it. No error saying it failed... it just didn't work. It's been awhile since I played my pally... so I'll give it a shot again later and keep you posted.
ok, i didnt see a resolution to it though.. and the button is still broken.
PS... i was catching up on posts... hadn't played in months
LoH and HT have both been broken, but also fixed. If your LoH is still broke, you're suffering from a different bug, which is rather rare and requires GM assistiance.
Something in your character data is causing your client to think LOH is down. It is not in any of the ordinary places that control this and I havent been able to narrow down which part of the character data. Short of trying to alter each byte separately and seeing what happens ( :psyduck:) there is really nothing we can do for you. You need a recreate for your LOH to work.
Bone said:
Well I need one then bc mine still doesn't work.

Who should I talk to?

Will you be around saturday evening around 4-5 est? I'll be home from work and able to do it then.
Also having this problem

Hey all,

My paladin Reeldil is also suffering this problem. What are the necessary steps to resolve this?

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