My cahracters


Dalayan Adventurer
My signature is my list of toons feel free to fomelo them for levels and equipment the are wearing.
Wow... you are almost as bad as Adlarac/Khuzdal/Mycroft and Branlenio/Branagain/Branohai (the list goes on and on and on for both of them, lol)!
I wanted 1 of each class to see for myself thier strengths and weaknesses. I ended up with 1 extra paladin warrior and beastlord. Treboa my ogre warrior is too friggin big so I retired him.
It's incredibly unfair to suggest that....oh nevermind, can't deny it. Btw I have 2 shamn, 2 paladins, and 2 monks. I won't even go into how many single classes I've got.
To be fair to those who like to click links, I do limit myself to only sig'ing the ones I am currently useing. :toot:

Oh, and the fact that there is a sig size limit. :(
Jay is SO mean to me.. someone hold me! I need a cookie!
volvov2 said:
And Kleria/Waorjie/13 other classes

Only Kleria could possibly remember all their names, much hate for random name generators.

But lots of extra points to him for actually playing ALL of them to the mid-high 50's with I think 5 at 65 atm
Its 7-65's, 1-60+ and 6- 58 to 60 atm.
Should be all 60+ before too long and i'll finish up that one class i'm missing when I get a chance.
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