Mutated packrat broken?


Dalayan Elder
just wanted to here some imput on the Mutatated Packrat in lasanth for the new polore quests... aside from the rare chance of him popping (been killing PH on and off for last couple days for hours for only 1 pop) and after killng him the item doesnt drop?

usually when you kill a quest mob isnt the quest item supposed to drop? (aside from a few specific i would assume)

i know the item does drop for people cause i happened across it on my warrior one day and dropped first time but 3 kils on packrat on my Reinhardt and no drop so far makes me worry. especially when i am spending days in ther eto get mob to pop.

edited for errors
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okay i sure hope so. wouldnt be so bad if respawn wasnt so horrible. at least i can run aorund killing other junk while waiting
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