Multiple crashing issues >_<


Dalayan Beginner
First off, I am running Windows XP Pro SP2, 512 MB DDR RAM, 128 MB GEForce FX 5200 video card. I use WR's EQW, and I have played arounf with using EQ in fullscreen and windowed and still have the same problems. I am also using EQPN, which helped a little with the zoning crashes, but I still get them (Used to be I'd crash every 2-3 times I zone, now it's like 3-4) Also, I *am* using the default UI, I did hit "run", and I did use the hotfix.

I followed the instructions on the getting started page to the letter I'll itemize the problems:

1) When I hit "Connect" or press enter after putting in my login and pass, about 75% of the time it just hangs there saying "Adding login request to queue" and never does anything (I've waited 2-3 minutes and it does nothing)). I usually have to exit, restart, try again... until it decides to work.

2) After I connect to the master server, only about 50% of the time will WR show up in the list. It'll give me a page with no servers listed, and I'll usually have to back out and try to login again until it works.

3) Once that decides to work, I hit "Play" and when it's connecting to the server, about half of the time it will crash me, saying there was an unknown error and EQ must close. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't...

4) Every 3rd or 4th time I zone, I crash (there's a thread on this by another guy that is unanswered)

With the combination of these problems, I randomly crash every 3rd or 4th time I zone/die/whatever... and then it takes me about 20 minutes to reconnect due to having to restart EQ over and over until I can get to character select. Any clues on how to fix this?
Well, not to pour salt on the wound, but have you tried over from scratch (there is another guide in this forum that was pretty well written).

Also, what type of connection are you running? using a router? Or are you running any type of AntiVirus or Firewall (besides the native WinXP SP2)?
I am running on a fresh EQ install, so I don't think starting from scratch would help, would it? I'd just get the same files ~_~

I have a wireless connection via a Linksys Wireless B router I connect to the downstairs cable modem from upstairs. I ran EQ on it before, and it's reliable. I've never had connection problems with it.

And yeah, I have Norton, but I keep the worm protection and firewall off, because it annoys me when I play games and to have that box pop up asking if I want to allow it port access -_-
It could help, the first install I did had problems that I couldnt get past the patcher screen. Completely removed EQ and redownloaded all the files - havent had an issue since.
Just wanted to say that, starting today June 14th in the afternoon I have HUGE connection problems that resemble this one , like I zonecrash like half of the time (never been a problem since I started playing like 9 months ago) , when I try to relog and get to the login server, I hit the play button and quickly get a 1017 (never had this one too) and what was fun at the beginning was that i could connect without problem with another account, but that doesnt even work anymore.
I manage to join after many retries but that ends up in LD while zoning, same again, so I gave up after dying stupidly for another reason (Faski is crazy :s )
Since a RL friend has the same problem I think its our ISP (french Free) I hope its temporary and not WR related.
Wany is trying to help me here , thx a lot by the way for the care.
The problem with pointing to solutions to problems like these are that there could possibly be multiple problem/solution scenarios.

Sometimes these problems aren't related to Server/Client configuration, occasionally they are regional problems... ISP problems, or even problems with the network infrastucture of a countries region. Sometimse ground construction crews cut through Fiber network cables.. occsionally ISP's main "cloud" (or outbound router that goes to the rest of the world) actually catches on fire..

99.9% of most problems with connections are going to be clientside when they are so localized. Lag is generally created by the internet, and -most- of the time so is packet loss that causes drops.

Your best bet is to try all troubleshooting steps you can think of, and if none of that works, contact your ISP or view their webpage to see if they are aware of any regional issues that might cause intermittent(spelled wrong I imagine) connectivity to a site or a geographic region of sites.
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