MSS32.DLL Error after patching & before EQGAME.EXE execu


Dalayan Beginner
After running the WR Patcher and selecting the RUN option on the WR Patcher window, an error window appears with the following message:

The EQGAME.EXE file is linked to missing export MSS32.DLL:_AIL_open_XMIDI_driver@4.

There may be more to the message, but that is all that was displayed. After clicking OK on the error window, the game will not execute.

This problem was also mentioned in post: which there were no replies.

A search of the message boards here reveals no other posts regarding this particular problem. Any ideas or information please?

Thank you...
Google for mss32.dll, which you should lead you to this link:

Download mss32.dll (make sure to run it through a virus scanner, as always). A little more searching through various forums and I learned that the mss32.dll file needed to be placed into the application directory. So I put it in my EverQuest folder, and it worked.

Found all this myself in two minutes using Google. If it doesn't work for you, I suggest you look around with Google for a while and see if you can't resolve the problem yourself. It's an application (EverQuest) error, not a WR error, and not very common either, which is why the other post probably recieved no replies.
Mine's still giving me the smae message...

I tried Dling and extracting mss32.dll to the applacation directory, my windows/system directory and a few others, but it still give me the smae message!

"The procedure entry point _AIL_open_XMIDI_driver@4 could not be located in the dynamic link library mss32.dll"

Any ideas as to why it's still not working? :?
Also having MSS32.dll problem

I'm having the exact same problem. I've put it in my "C:\Program Files\Everquest" directory (replacing the one that was in there) and in my "Windows\system" folder. No luck. Might this be an XP problem? I'm using SP2. I ask because it seems I've run into this once before (pre SP2), but I can't remember what the situation was (ie for a game...etc).

The only input I can give is for you to try disabling sound. That looks like a call to a sound routine. May or may not work, but worth a shot. Heck, I've had sound turned off for years...never missed it.


still no go

Boy I don't know. I updated all my sound card drivers, put a copy of MSS32.dll in my "windows\system" , "program files\everquest", and the "eq" and some other folder in the WR folder. And then I disabled my sound card in the device manager. Still nothing. It's pretty frustrating. I'd love to play. I will try a new sound card tonight when I get home from work. Hopefully that will help.
The Solution is... FOUND!

EDITED TO INCLUDE THE CORRECT LINK, NO MORE "Solution does not exist in this knowledge base" STUFF.

I got it fixed. I'll repeat the steps I had to go through here...
These steps come after I dled and extracted the new mss32.dll file to my Everquest main folder.

I then proceeded to DELETE all files in my everquest folder ENDING with the extension; .M3D

I had read some instructions about this on the EverQuest website's FAQ section. Here's the link so that you can follow it, too.

This link will take you everquest's website's help section. Click on the "Search the Station Knowledge Base" link.
Now perform a search for "mss32.dll".
This should return two answer links, click the one on top.

That's where I got my solution, hope it helps everyone, and sorry about the first link, it would seem that linking directly to the answer wouldn't work...

*NOTE* Please understand, this ended MY problems, it will not neccesarily solve yours, there may infact be another problem that causes this, but mine stopped after I followed these directions. Thanks, and good luck to all!
I am receiving the same XMIDI error Ianmcu was, and I cannot seem to get anywhere with it.

I am also using Windows XP with SP2, for what it is worth.
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