MQ stuck in heartlands... HELP!!! Any Moderator or Gm Please look...


Dalayan Beginner

I need help please... I am doing my MQ and curently stuck in the heartlands. I am supose to talk to all 3 factions and then go back to npc by badlands z/l with the information about what these factions are up to. Well when i get to the Blackscale Order im KoS and i cant even Invisi and try to talk to NPC Xilkaz to complete this portion. I cant find a solution on wiki for the faction hit on BS, And my MQ is in disaray please QD help help... Thanx Happy-Holidayshttp:// :psyduck:
Re: MQ stuck in heartlands... HELP!!!

I KNOW THE FRUSTRATION! How do you raise faction, For the Blackscale order when theres no side quest to do so. I hope theres help...
I believe that you can technically skip this step of the MQ and just go straight to choosing your faction.
I tried that how ever when i try to choose faction it says something bout ill join this faction but i have somethining important to finish first then npc fine come back when your work is done... I tryed skiping the talking to the 3 factions and go straight to choosing one but not working. I dont know what to do.
Delvinair said:
I talked to Tesia again she says i have to finish talking to all three factions...

She also offers you the option of saying you can't complete her quest.
Well that worked , However how come the lumberjack wont accept the Directives like everyone else did?
Guess what Ima stuck again): no wiki help on this one... OK after a great deal of patience i found that after sunrise i had beter luck. gona keep grinding
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