MQ step 1 lore question bug


Dalayan Beginner
Haley Swansong in lower fay on the very first lore question part of the quest has asked me on the character Nauleta.

"What has Shiritri proclaimed herself the goddess of?"

I'm not sure if I'm allowed to post the answer but taken directly from the lore book

"She is the self-proclaimed goddess of x, y, and z."

No combination of X Y and Z worked for me.
Form your answer as "x, y, and z"

Not "She is the goddess of X, Y, and Z".

I'm relatively sure that 1. this step hasn't changed since implementation and 2. no ones ever had a problem with it before, so I would assume that the problem is in the way you are forming your response.
I've tried it as

x y z x, y, and z. All different sorts. Maybe I've just gone crazy lol. I'll give it another shot today.
I'm still having trouble with this. I've tried every variation (I had a bit of free time on my hands).
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