MQ Remains part MajorBug


Dalayan Beginner
On my druid Lendaugy, i was doing the Remains portion of the quest... where you collect 12 various skeletal remains.. i collected all 12, returned too the woman.. handed them in, Afterwards she handed them directly back, no exp gain, no text...

So i figured, maybe if i Re-hail her, she'll accept the remains... upon rehailing the Seeker lady in the ocean... she bumped me Past the remains part of the quest skipping my 100,000 exp reward.. and gave me the Seeker Rune key thing..

I sent in a petition and spoke with a Trainee GM? he directed me here... i would really appritiate getting this resolved sooner rather than later... Granted the game is free, and im not a paying customer... but seeing as this is the Main Quest... kind of a bummer =(

Should i post this somewhere else? its a Quest Bug, kind of confused as too why GM Trainee Tao had me post here....

Dont really need to Discuss the quest... need to get it Fixed...

Cant someone just Unflag my toon on the Remains portion of the quest, or something??
A flag wasn't being set properly. I don't know why, but in case anyone runs into the error again, you can fix yourself by saying to her:

I would like to free the spirits from their torture
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