MQ part III good or evil


Dalayan Adventurer
Hi all,
I started my MQ for my ogre warrior (apok) and I am now at part 3… I want some insight about choosing good or evil. My main is a druid and he went the good route and silver crown.

Anyone with suggestions / reasons why one or the other for my warrior please post here for me and other noobers to read, thx
I'm not sure if it's race specific or allignment, but I regret not being able to do the council aug quests with my mage and my warrior (Both are evil races and both went evil - one chaotic one neutral). Being an item designer, I found myself focusing on the end product (the magic resist aug) vs that paticular bit of lore. =P

Also, as soon as I started making evil alligned decisions Surefall and Centaur hated me. :( That was quite a shock the first time my hubby ported me to that part of Dalaya, hahaha!

They are really minor reasons for regretting going evil, considering I RP my characters in an evilly alligned fashion (one just does it more secretively than the other *evil grin*), but that's my insight just the same. :keke:
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