MQ part 2


Dalayan Beginner
hi guys, i'm on part 2 of the main quest, where i have to talk to the 8 different people and learn about the past.
i have spoken to 7 of them and got the 'you have learnt about...' message.
However when i speak to Dawn Seer Tarnok i can get as far as asking him about 'the shadow consumed your home' but then no more prompts show up for me to ask anything else.

i've tried asking him everything i can think of, based on what he's said, but getting nowhere.

any1 able to help out.

(PS this has nothing to do with the LORE questions, so as far as i'm aware it is ok to discuss, please correct me if i'm wrong tho)

Your post here is a good way to get in touch with the Dev team to get help on the issue.
Thanks Tarutao.

will wait for a response, only lvl 12 atm anyway, so won't be able to progress any further with MQ for a while.
went back and spoke to williem, and it would appear that i did learn about his past after all. tho i'm pretty certain i didn't get the 'you have leart about ..' but it's not impossible that i just missed it.
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