MQ NPC will not respond


Dalayan Beginner
I understand that a regular GM won't be able to help me with this so per the petition instructions, I'm hoping this could be looked into for me and that I can do the quest. :)

I went to start the quest by talking to Eranos Nel`Tav in Obsidian Shard Mountains. I hailed him and just as I hailed him, I got huge packet losses couldn't see any responses from him. I waited for a little while and still nothing in terms of a response from him, though I tried to hail him a few more times. Eventually I had to force a LD by doing /q to reboot in hopes of getting a better connection because I wasn't getting any results due to the packet loss. When I logged back in, I tried to hail him again and all he would say to me is, "Hello there" nothing more. I've tried zoning, camping out, restarting the game, hailing him, saying different things to him such as possible answers to questions he'd ask, nothing worked. All he will ever say to me is "Hello there." If I could please get some help from those that can help resolve this issue, I would greatly appreciate it. My character's name is Nanaja, 34th lvl WE druid.

If it helps any, I had to do the same things with my alt on my second account and the quest worked just fine for her. Eranos talked to her just fine, and she was able to start the quest.

Thank you very much for your help!
Wood elves are not supposed to talk to Eranos Nel`Tav. Read your summons.
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