MQ Not Letting me start.


Dalayan Beginner
Well, Gm-Foon told me to post my steps on what I have taken and what happen when I tried to do this quest.
Let me first start off by saying that my buddy picked Pariah as my religion before I even wanted to start on the MQ, also that the Eyeball in Gfay would not let me in with out GM help.

I was ported to the zone "The Dream" by a GM(Sorry, I can't remember the name!). I went through all the sub guys up too "The Choice", I then picked Thief(Can't go wrong with more XP!) Then hailed "The Choice" again and she told me to speak with the First, Second, Third, and the Last. So, I run to the area with the First, Second, Third, and Last. I hailed the First and he said something along the lines of "I am not the one you need to speak too." I went to the Second and the Third and they all said the same thing. So, I hailed the Last and she just said, you may leave or something around that. And gave me the options to leave. It said that the beginning quest was finished and ported me out.

I hope that this may be useful to help figure out why I can't do the MQ. Thanks in advance.
Did you talk with the guide? the sorceror? and the other one that you have to kill whose name I forget?
Yes, I spoke with all people, they all worked and I got xp once I was done with them. I'm sorry I did not say their names.. I forgot them as well.. I referred to them as the "sub people"
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