MQ: Main Quest - Liberating the Spirits


Dalayan Adventurer
I just completed a portion of the MQ called: Kaezul

I handed in my Gemstone of Learning and received my Gemstone of Insight

I am now on: Seekers of Erimal

I collected the bones I needed for Liberating the Spirits and I want to hand them in so I can get the faction boost as well as the experience.

I do not recall getting the option to do that quest. I feel like I got skipped over straight to the Seekers of Erimal and I am not sure why.

Is there anyone who can assist me with this matter?
its been a long lonng long long time since i did the MQ that far back. IIRC you get the option to do the side quest or not using a /cm d# command. is it possible maybe you were flying through and ignoring the lore and missed an option? if this is so its unrepetable.
That would be a bummer since it has such a good reward.

I didn't even consider that as I was using the wiki as a guide and it didn't have the (optional) tag on it.

Can anyone confirm this?
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Type out "Is there something else I can do for now?" with the Seeker targeted. She should respond to that.
Type out "Is there something else I can do for now?" with the Seeker targeted. She should respond to that.

This was one of the things I tried. She doesn't respond to that string of text.

When I hand her the bones they are returned to me.

When I hail her, she has me on the Seekers portion of the quest. She responds with asking me to seek out Gavin in the Valley of Erimal.

It looks like I will just have to move on, cut my losses, and be glad that the quest didn't take me much time.
Unless I'm mistaken, you can do either Liberating the Spirits (good path) OR Something Greedy (evil path), not both quests. Have you done that other quest?
Unless I'm mistaken, you can do either Liberating the Spirits (good path) OR Something Greedy (evil path), not both quests. Have you done that other quest?

I have not done either. Someone in game told me they recall it may have been possible to skip both of them which is what I must have done.

I am not much into lore and RP and such so I tend to skim.
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