MQ help, factions


Dalayan Beginner
Hi guys, want to start out that I love this server and amazing job to all who contributed in its developmen.

Anyways I am working on the main quest and I am a little stumped with the different factions. So COI they are neutral silver crown is good and blackscale is evil?

I am playing a necro and figure that evil is my best path, so blackscale it is I guess. now does it matter if I am lawful or chaotic?

Now I bot a chanter should I go good for that character? is blackscale a good choose as well? I know its all related to what god I swear to but I don't want to mess my class up at all. also MQ evil path do I take hits with newport? will it make me kos?

Finally in regards to lawful neutral and chaotic how do those fit in? can I be lawful / evil? do I want to be? How do you get points in these just quests? Seems I only move in the second one toward evil / neutral / good Sorry if editing is odd on my cell phone stupid work filter
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So COI they are neutral silver crown is good and blackscale is evil?
Uh, no. Silver Crown is Lawful, Council of Innovation is Good, and Blackscale is Evil.

Finally in regards to lawful neutral and chaotic how do those fit in? can I be lawful / evil? do I want to be? How do you get points in these just quests? Seems I only move in the second one toward evil / neutral / good Sorry if editing is odd on my cell phone stupid work filter
Lawful/Chaotic is separate from Good/Evil, and all combinations thereof are viable and logical.

Yes, you can be Lawful Evil (Marlow and Shojar are LAWFUL EVIL, in fact, See for more information as to how alignment and religion are related.)

Yeah, basically just quests.

If you're only moving on the Good-Evil spectrum, that is either due to the particular quests you are doing or because you are chooing only Good-Evil quest dialogue options and not Lawful-Evil ones. See for more information on what alignments mean to learn how to respond to quest dialogue appropriately in-character.
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