MQ- Gemstone of History


Dalayan Beginner

Started the MQ today with 2 of my characters. I have my cleric (Dynamadin) in and adventure party with (XORNE). I had not realised quest xp would be split and did the "Gemstone of History" reurned and hailed for Dynamadin. He ended up getting 50k XP which is split but the other 50k did not go to Xorne. I disbanded the band for Xorne's turn in and he got 100k.

Is there any way to get tha 50k xp back to Dynamadin?


Negative, any exp acquired always gets split with an adventure band. Once it's applied to a character it's final. It shouldn't make any difference in your adventure band, just one toon is 50k exp ahead of the other, which isn't a huge deal when you get to the higher levels.
Negative, any exp acquired always gets split with an adventure band. Once it's applied to a character it's final. It shouldn't make any difference in your adventure band, just one toon is 50k exp ahead of the other, which isn't a huge deal when you get to the higher levels.

What I am saying is when I turned in while in the band the xp split but the secondary character got no xp. So the main got 50k and no xp was awarded to the other toon in the band.
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