MQ enslaving citizens problem


Dalayan Beginner
i have so far captured 3 of the 4 citys no problem halas oggok and underhill but in newport i got the proc to work and then enslaved the citizen but couldn't shut the auto attack fast enough and interrupted the spell now it is no longer working on anyone even after zoning any ideas?

edit: just tried it during the day time after killing 1 with no proc (bleh faction) the second one got a daze proc still enslaving wont click
Try going to Erimal and see if the capture worked, that happened to my shaman and even though I never "really" captured my ogre target ( I interrupted his gate), when I hailed the NPC in Erimal, I got credit for all four upon turn-in of the mallet and collar.

I'm guessing you get a flag set when the proc on the collar goes off and you get the capture message, not once the npc has gated away. Good luck

hey thanx i hailed him and got the start quest info but i just turned in collar and mallet and got the quest done
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