MQ Bug (Heartlands)


Dalayan Beginner
So, I recently started the MQ, did all parts up to the heartlands part.. Talked to Tesia, talk to all 3 factions, went back to Tesia, she told me to visit her sister (Hannia). After this I immedietly went to the Council of Innovation cave and got my Associates badge, started/finished the quests and got my Assistants Badge. After this part there are no more quest i could do, and I still could not ask the CoI leader to summon the great dryad.

1. This could be caused by not speaking to Hannia, who now does not give me any options to talk to her.

2. All the quests are done, did not miss anything. (Hence the Assisstant's Badge)

3. The two other leaders (SC / BS) will not speak to me, they say i have already joined a faction.

4. The CoI Leader NEVER gave me the option to speak to the dryad.

Maybe im not flagged for it because I did not speak to hannia at first?

Not sure :what: :what: :what: but I'm pretty confused....

Anything that can be done to fix this?

Character - Nostran, 49 Wizard
You need to go back to erimal, you most likely skipped a phase with the High Seeker.
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