MQ -- Bran McTurnan


Dalayan Beginner
OK, first, the wiki doesn't list this guy as one of the MQ starters, so poor Frogloks are out of luck with help there until they pick up with the Part Two - History.

I found Bran up at the Barb outpost in Sundered Mtns, dodging reds all the way. Seems very odd that the other three (Defar, Eranos, Swansong) are cake to find and get to, but this guy is a bit of a challenge. It ain't easy being green, I guess.

So, toted my books up to him and answered the questions. Standard fare. THEN came the run-and-fetch to get to Part Two - History. Here's where I'm stuck. His text is the one listed in the wiki for Eranos, which has been changed. Eranos now asks for the helmet just to the north of him. But Bran refers to some weapon near Freeport. I'm really assuming that we're not gonna be sending little newbie frogs dodging lvl 50+ undead to find a little ground spawn, so I figure it must be under the docks in East Freeport, which is also what I was told in guild chat. So, dodge reds to get back to Sadri, port to MoP, then SNP, get on a mildly bugged boat and finally arrive at East Freeport. Oh look! A ground spawn bag under the docks! Excellent! Maybe this isn't so bad after all. Hmmm...what's this? Doesn't look much like a weapon, but who knows. (Shard of Dawn) Pick it up and look all around the rest of the "under the docks" area just in case there's another little bag there. Nope, only this bag. Must be it. Wait for boat. Wait for boat. Finally, boat. Back to SNP, MoP, Sadri. Troop troop troop dodging reds back to Bran. Give him shard and, of course, he doesn't want it.

OK, so, first off, what am I supposed to get him (some kind of spear?) and where is it (generally)? Was I in the right place (East Freeport, under the docks) or do I indeed have to dodge some hi level mobs to find this item?

And second, maybe the devs could think about balancing this a little better against the other three, which are VERY easy for a low character to get through?

It ain't easy being green! Thanx for any help.
The Main Quest wiki article has all of the information about this guy. You're looking for a broken kazulean spear, a groundspawn in North Wastes of Tarhyl on the shore (location +806, -844).
Thank you, Wesell. This information was added to the wiki only very recently, since I printed out the entire Main Quest article on December 1, 2007, and Bran wasn't in there. Thanx again for the help.

My point about balancing still stands. All this is a lot more trouble than picking up a cobblestone or statuette in town before you even go to your MQ-starter (Defar, Swansong), or running a little ways North thru unpopulated grasslands (Eranos).
Yeah, I agree, that's why I changed Eranos NelTav, I just forgot about frogloks. I'll ask someone to change the quest a bit.
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